The last two posts described the process I used to create models through 3 D scanning and 3 D printing....
3 D Printing
Once the objects are scanned and finalized, the file is downloaded to the computer attached to the Object 3D printer....
3 D Scanning
I have been working in the University of Florida Art and Architecture Fabrication Lab, with Dan Tankersley, MFA DIgital Media....
IAC Paris 2010
The International Academy of Ceramics Assembly was held in Paris this past September. We met at UNESCO, as we are...
Sevres, Paris 2010
As a major part of the IAC meeting in Paris in September, we had our members’ exhibition in the Sevres...
The IAC Pre-tour continues in the Limoges region
The Limoges area is famous for its porcelain. In 1768, a source for high quality kaolin was discovered and set...
IAC Pre-Tour: Bourges, France
I have been home from France for about a week now and still nursing a cold I brought back with...
Richard Ginori Manufacture and Museum, Florence
It felt great to be back in Florence, even though it seemed hotter, more full of tourist and a bit...
London’s VIctoria and Albert Museum – WOW
I have been to this museum before and went with some hesitancy as the rooms and rooms of ceramics in...
Staffordshire Pottery in Stoke on Trent, England
My visit to Stoke started with a most amazing experience – a private tour of the Wedgwood Factory by one...