The push was on in the studio to make work this week. The realization that our time working at the Red Lodge Clay Center is already half over, along with the juggle of firing schedules, hit “home” so to speak.

Joe Bova, arriving one week after the rest of the group worked on catching up. I have pictures of him, Linda Lighton, Marc Leuthold and Harris Deller working in their studio areas. I fired a test kiln and was generally happy with the results of the porcelain slip and clay I am using.

It is spring in Montana with the lilacs blooming and snow melting on the mountain tops. The weather has been very changeable. I pulled out my down jacket for a really brisk day this week. We went to the Red Lodge Gallery for the opening of the Brenda Lichman and Ted Adler exhibition, which was great to see. It has since warmed up some.

For a bit of a break today, I visited the Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary where animals no longer able to live in the wild are cared for. I was particularly impressed by this lynx eating lunch, afterwards stretching and then climbing into his enclosure to sleep, just like our cat at home!

Joe Bova

Joe Bova

Linda Lighton

Linda Lighton

Marc Leuthold

Marc Leuthold

Harris Deller

Harris Deller

Glaze test

Glaze test

Brenda Lichman

Brenda Lichman

Ted Adler

Ted Adler

